Friday, January 26, 2007

Hi everyone,
I'm now in Newcastle after a 23 hour trip! I'm living right now with a friend that I worked with in Victoria, and he and all his friends are showing me the ropes of Newcastle. I stayed at his parents for the first couple days and enjoyed home cooked meals, a private pool, and great company! It's definately not what I expected backpacking to feel like, but no complaining!
I experienced true Oz last night, we went out of Australia day and saw the lively city celebrate their country. I have enjoyed the beaches, food, people and the sun :) I have no plans set out so in a couple days I could end up in the North, I'm just going day to day! I'm getting more used to their accent, when I first got here I would have to think of what they were saying before I could answer, but it's getting easier and easier.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I arrived safetly and that it has been great fun the last few days! Hope everyone is well back home!
Love Kira


Bob, Gail, Curtis, Jayne and Lauren said...

Hi Kira from the Davies family in Ottawa. We look forward to following your adventures through your blog. We've subscribed, so we won't miss anything :)
Have a great trip.

Bob, Gail, Curtis, Jayne and Lauren said...

ps.. we'll be showing the kids on Google Earth where you are, so they can follow you along :)

mom/lori said...

g'day, eh! can you read the accent too? :)

glad to hear you're becoming immersed and used to the culture quickly

we have a beautiful sunny victoria day and my smile today was driving by a senior, riding his bike, with a cockatoo on his shoulder. i thought of you and how you would have loved that too :)

you'll get to see more exotic birds there. note that the seagulls are actually petite and cute there compared to here :)

cheers mate (dtr) as always
mom xo