Monday, March 19, 2007

ok a couple more pics.
1. This is Erin(Ontario) on the left and Steph(Oregon) on the right. I have a mix from North America. This was orientation week at Uni and it was a rescue theme, so we went as rescue angels. Walked around the whole city wearing these...people were amazed!!!
2. I got the best view at the concert, Wolfmother. Poor Nick I'm probably killing him...haha

1 comment:

mom/lori said...

What a great rescue theme :) and outfits! Sounds like a positive environment that is embraced by the campus admin, and clearly you three :)

Wonderful to see you are getting involved with so many touring and cultural experiences. Do they ALL involve liquor? ;)

We're trying to do comparative life here to your adventures there...but the couch doesn't have wheels, the cords aren't long enough, CSI and West Wing, and mail keep blocking us. Oh well...we'll just have to enjoy through your adventures instead ;)

The family is always inquiring about you and I know they see your blog. I don't think it's clear for most of them how to reply. So, know at least, they are thinking of you :)

You are very missed, and very loved, all the while, we are so pleased for your great adventures and learning (academic and life).

Sending great big hugs and 'misses', love and kisses.
Mom and Dad xoxoxoxo