Thursday, April 19, 2007

This has been the best trip so far while in Australia. For the break my fellow Canadian friend Erin and I planned to travel to the Sunshine coast for 5 days. We flew into Maroochydore which is an hour north of Brisbane, and stayed in the little town just for the night before we set of for Noosa Heads which is another hour north. We arrived in Noosa heads quite early, found our hostel and got settled in. We were pretty exhausted after the days of travels so we went into Noosa Heads walked around, looked in the shops and then settled on the beach for the day. The weather was reasonable. It was quite warm with a few clouds, and three times that day we got stuck in huge down poors....haha one minute we are laying in the sun sweating the next minute it is raining cats and dogs while we scurry to gather our things and find a tree to hide under until it passes. For about 5 mins it rains and then we go back to the beach. It was quite an experience. That night we crashed pretty early after visiting subway for the third time that day. We love our sandwiches. The next morning we were picked up around 10am for our surf lesson. This was my first lesson, and all I was hoping for was to stand up. I managed to stand up several times and had such a blast. We were out on the water for two hours. By the end of it we were pretty tired but just wanted to keep catching waves. After our lesson we retired on the beach for the rest of the day and read our books. That night we met up with Nicole and Crystal (more Canadian girls, I worked with at Milestones). The next day we were up early to move our things to a hostel in Caloundra and visit The Steve Irwin zoo(Australia Zoo) just outside of Brisbane. It was a great day at the zoo, we watched a show of Terri Irwin (Steve's wife) feed a croc. It was an amazing show, and made my day to see her. They performed a trick with the croc called the death roll, where the crock does a back roll and exposes its tummy. They say not many people can live to see that...I felt pretty lucky! On the way back to our hostel, we took a complimentary zoo shuttle back, and unfortunately it broke down on the side of the highway...we sat there for about 20 mins and I just happened to look up and see Terri Irwin standing there and apologizing for the inconvenience. She walked to the back of the bus shaking peoples hands and apologozing, I was thinking, I don't care, I just met a was pretty cool! We managed to get home shortly after and had another quiet night. The next day Erin and I went to the GlassHouse Mtns which was a short wilderness hike inland, but took most of the day travelling there and back. They recommend you have a car to get there, but we took a bus, a train and then a was quite a mission, but in the end saw nice fews and got a little taste of home in the wilderness! The sunshine coast was amazing, and the next day was time to go home, but I just wasn't quite ready to leave. Nicole and Crystal were planning to go to Byron Bay the day I was flying out, so instead I changed my flight to 5 days later and went to Beautiful Byron Bay with them for that time...I'm so happy I made that decision because Byron was absolutely fantastic!
I will leave it at that for now and try to post some pics soon. My Byron blog will be my next posting so stay tuned!
Lots of love from this side of the world...

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