Tuesday, May 8, 2007

This is some of the work crew. Lauren, Damien, Rosie, Johnny and I all in the restaurant Luca for the big night! I bartended all night from 7-2am. It was so much fun but such a long night! I was asked to work again this wednesday, which is tonight, so I'm quickly trying to finish an assignment before I head off to work!

1 comment:

Greg Goodwin said...

Hi Kiwi, can I call you that even though you are in Australia? Looks like a blast, bartending is one of the neatest part-time jobs (or full time for that matter) meeting a lot of people whose personalities, slowly, over the course of the evening, start to change as they drink more - some get louder, some get quieter, some get friendlier, etc etc. Lots of fun!!