Sunday, September 2, 2007

Journey to Chiang Mai

It is a little different from the islands I've been on the last week but Chiang Mai is such a beautiful province, and the people are the nicest I have encountered yet.
I left Koh Tao yesterday morning at 10am and took a 3 hour ferry to Champorn, then hopped on an 8 hour bus to Bangkok. Arrived to Bangkok around 9:30pm ran to the train station and got on the 10pm train to Chiang Mai...finally I arrived around 1:30pm...was it ever a long trip, but luckly I slept most of the way and finished a couple of books :) The train in the morning was amazing, the window was all the way down and it felt like I was immersed in the jungle. We went over bridges that went over massive canyons, but mostly it was travelling through the jungle and I saw the off village and farmers. It was an excellent way to see more of the countryside.

Chiang Mai is widely known for their markets. I arrived and immediately went out shopping, but I had to wait until 6pm when the big night bizaar opened. In the meantime I sat by the pool and caught a few more rays, then met with the group that I would be trekking with the next couple of days. The first couple I met were Australian from Sydney, of course I just can't seem to get away from them! They had just spent the last 7 months in Whistler so we had something to talk about! There will be about 12 of us altogether, and our guide is so friendly and very funny...

I have just sat down after 3 hours of walking through the night bizaar, and oh my god I needed to get out of there before I bought everything I saw. This Bizaar is like the Khan (in Cairo) but the people aren't as grabby so it gives you more insentive to look and buy. I met a guy in Ko phangan that was very impressed with my bargaining must have been all those trips back to Egypt, and I'm getting even more practice here :) No more markets for me for at least two days until I'm back in Bangkok...oh jeez

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