Thursday, May 27, 2010


The family (7 of us) piled in a mini van to drive from Hue to Hoi An which is about 3 hours south along the coast. I think we were all in heaven as we arrived in Hoi An and passed about 200 different specialty tailored stores....First stop was the silk factory where we saw the process of silk making, exactly what we saw in Turkey, starting from the baby silk worms eating the leaves, then growing and becoming moths to create the silk. They use this fine silk for scarfs and embrodery. After our little tour of the production line we were set free to go find a tailor who would make all the clothes we ask in one night! We spent hours looking through catalogues and designing our own clothes. We chose the fabric paid a deposit and hoped for the best! Everyone got at least one piece of clothing made. I got a few work skirts and dresses and then some travel clothes for my journey. We will be picking these up this morning. After an exhausting afternoon of shopping we found a local cafe called Laugh Cafe which served the best specialty dish 'Cao Lau' in Hoi An. This was doughy flat noodles, mixed with croutons, beans and greens topped with Tofu! Again another amazing dish, probably the best I've tasted so far. Also there is a very popular coffee drink called cafe sur da - iced coffee that I've become addicted to and may have withdrawls from when I leave!
After filling ourselves with traditional food we headed towards the beach, Cua Dai Beach and sat on the mats that were laid out all that had candle lanterns and watched the full moon above. There was a full moon festival on so there were loads of people, kids, teens flooding the beach, with buskers and food stalls. A very pleasant way to spend the evening, listening to the crowds and waves, lying on the beach under the full moon with fantastic company :)

1 comment:

Greg Goodwin said...

love to hear about your travels. Grandma Goodwin is hearing all about your travels as Bob is reading your blogs to her.

see you soon.

