Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I'm sorry its been so long, but I've been without computer access for a week or so. I made it to Surfers Paradise on Feb 5, got checked into a hostel right next the the beach and that night went out on a 200 person pub crawl. There were 7 hostels combined, where they took us to four different bars around surfers. I met some awesome people, saw some crazy night life, and experienced the aussie way of partying, which is mostly to techno, and some hip hop! That was a good part but the highlight were the beached. Miles long beaches, white sand and the high rises and city right next to it. You get the best of both worlds, city life and surfing right next to each other! I visited this city on my own so it gave me time to relax and do whatever I wanted which wasn't too much. I layed on the beaches and read, walked along the beached and watched all the surfers, and at sunset walked through the strip which has performers, shops and restaurants. I sat and watched an aboriginal guy play the digerydoo for awhile in amazement. They are so fascinating how they learn to breathe while playing. It was a very relaxing few days, which is just what I needed after my adventure on Fraser! :) I stopped in Brisbane for a night and met up with some girls that I had met on the camping trip. Toured around the city, took a cruise up and down brisbane river, and went out to experience the night life there which is a lot more classy than the beach towns I had been too. Brisbane is a lot like Vancouver, very busy, and many people on a mission to get somewhere! I enjoyed my time there, but I was ready to get to Melbourne! I arrived here a week ago, got settled into my dorm, met a whole bunch of Americans and toured myself around the campus! I'm living in an area called Burwood which is 45 min tram ride from downtown, which is unforunate, but already I have been there several times, so the distance is not stopping me! I have met almost all of the international students from our trip to Lorne and along the Great Ocean Road. This was a free trip that they took over 200 people on. I stayed in a two level condo with 4 girls I know from UVic right on the beach. That would have costed a fortune if we had to pay for it, and they provided all meals and transportation. Lorne is a small beach town where we stayed for two days, and did some fun activities. I did beach yoga in the morning and hiked in the afternoon and saw wild kangaroos, kauala bears and the most beautiful views. I would have loved to go surfing but they had way too many people interested. The third day we drove the Great Ocean Road where a few people got sick on a couple of the buses, luckily I wasn't on either of them, and we made our way to the originally 12 Apostles which is now 7. They are created through wind and water erosion. The wind and water create caves, which eventually form arches and then the middle of the arched collapse to form apostles. It was a magnificant sight, and just to think that in 20 years they may be gone from natural causes. It's definately a reason to come back! I took some great photos so I will hopefully post those in the next couple of days.
Now I'm back at Uni, just figuring out classes and attending info sessions about Deakin. I will have access to a computer, so it will be easier to keep in touch! I hope everyone is doing well back home. If anyone want to send me a text or call (which is quite expensive, so I don't expect anything) here is my cell number 011 61 405762784. This is exactly how you dial it. Better be going! Talk to everyone soon
Love Kira


Greg Goodwin said...

Great blog, super adventure, love to hear all about your time. Missing you lots. We'll send you some rain!!

mom/lori said... had a great experience and we had a great time reading and seeing the photos!! :)
I just tried to text message you. Spent 10 minutes setting it up. It wouldn't go AND it lost my message :(
Ditto what dad said :)
Your travels are reminding me of your other travels while in Egypt and all over. What's your favourite so far??? You were pretty hyped on South Africa :)

Missing you and thinking of you often. Nothing has changed in your room ;)

Love and cuddles,
Mom xo