Sunday, February 4, 2007

What an adventure that was...I just got back from a 3 day camping trip on the largest sand island in the world Fraser Island. There was a group of 9, 4 Canadians, 2 Swedes, and 3 Britts. We rented a land cruiser for the weekend and trucked it over to the island. We saw some beautiful beaches, swam in fresh water lakes and enjoyed bathing in the creeks. The beaches are there main road and airport, which we discovered when we saw a plane take off infront of our vehicle! The first night we stayed in Dundabar which is a National park campground and cooked up a massive BBQ. The next day we went out to Indian Head and viewed manta rays swim in the ocean from a huge cliff. Then walked 3 km to Champagne pools, which are little pools that the ocean waves poor into and create small bubbles. We swam but some tourist there got stung by a jelly fish so that took me out of the water right away! I haven't seen any sharks yet, but have been keeping my eye out for them, out of the water!
The second night on the island we stayed at an aboriginal camp where they performed an aboriginal dance for us and lit a big fire! It was amazing to experience and be part that sort of culture and life style. The whole trip was amazing until the adventure started. Our land cruiser had been fine driving in sand and on the dunes but once we tried to go up hill for a long period of time our car broke down in the middle of a tiny path (wouldn't even call it a road). We were stuck in the sand and there was no moving us. 10 mins later we had 30 people out helping us try and push this vehicle out of the way of everyone else, and that's what it took was 30 people. We managed to move it into the bush and call a mechanic. Weirdly enough once the mechanic got our car going his car broke down, so we had to drive him back to a service station and make our way to the ferry. We missed the first one already so we were hoping to catch this one. Finally got to the ferry to find out there wasn't one coming because the tides were too low, so off we go to another barge area in a line of 15 cars. We were the third car in the chain and we were the only one that kept getting caught in the sand. So every 10 mins 8 of us just out of the car, push, then run after it to jump back in. Imagine 10 times in a one hour drive....It's quite the memory! The whole group was laughing and having a great time, so I'm happy that everyone was in good spirits! I will always remember this camping trip as the one where I pushed the landcruiser around the island! Anyways, I have travelled a litte, I'm in Brisbane right now after a 6 hour bus ride and then I catch a bus in 30 mins to head to Surfers Paradise for a couple days! So hopefully it will be nice and relaxing on a beach! I will get some pictures posted soon I hope. I miss everyone so much, and I hope everyone is doing well! Lots of love coming your way from this side of the world!
Love Kira

1 comment:

Greg Goodwin said...

Hey, what a fantastic adventure! Love to hear about this, what memories you are creating. It is so nice that you have the time to just pick up and go somewhere almost on a whim. It is wonderful that you were able to connect with some people for this trip, makes it a lot of fun to share this time with. I guess you are making your way back to Melbourne to move into res on Friday. We had a very nice relaxing time yesterday (Sunday), walked, read, played scrabble (mom won), caught the end of the super bowl. Glad you are having a great time, miss you tons and love you more.