Saturday, November 26, 2011

Leon - Nicaragua

Leon is long Nicaragua's capital before moving to Managua it is still known for its artistic, religious and revolutionary history. Leon is one of Nicaragua's two legendary colonial jewels. We made the 2.5 hour journey from Granada to Leon with the prime intention of trying the infamous volcano boarding which is second on CNN's list of top 25 thrill seeking adventures to do before you die! We stayed at a hostel called Bigfoot which was recommended to us and is central, social and the tours run from the hostel. Actually Bigfoot was the original company to start volcano boarding tours. So as the thrill seekers we were we made the trip to Leon for a single purpose - to 'surf Cerro Negro' which is one of the most active volcanoes in the Americas (which we found out while climbing up the volcano it is due to erupt this year). Volcano boarding involves hauling yourself and your board up the hot black gravel slope (45mins) - this was nothing compared to the 9hr Maderas hike! And then hurtling down at full speed sitting in a toboggan (45secs). The hike up the volcano produced gorgeous views of surrounding volcanoes and land of Nicaragua and the Pacific Ocean. As we approached the top we saw inside the crater and could see smoke being released and felt the heat when we placed our hand on the rock! I could just imagine the earth below us boiling, ready to explode at any moment! Pretty thrilling in itself! So I volunteered to go first...we put on our jump suits and goggles set ourself up on the board and the guide gave us a quick run down on how to steer, go straight and FAST! I told him I wanted to go fast so he gave me and a couple others a special board and didn't teach us how to brake! The fastest record for a female was 87km/hr. I set myself up on the board and away I went, slowly increasing speed while filling my mouth with rocks! I was getting more and more speed and hit the 45degree angle drop for the last 100m got to 80km/hr!!! It was the best feeling ever but felt at so many points I was going to bail. I just held on tight, kept my core strong and thought happy thoughts!!! I came to a complete stop after hitting the flat and immediately looked back at the guy who took our speed and he yelled out 80!!! I was happy with that and the experience in itself!!! Soooo good! Since I was the first, Kat was second we got to watch everyone come down... The fourth person coming down looked like she hit top speed, was almost to the bottom and turned sideways and wiped out like I've never seen before... She looked like a rag doll being thrown down the hill not knowing when she'd stop. We ran to her aide and helped her down the rest of the way. She most likely had a concussion as she was confused, she had horrible road rash on her arm and was winded. Once back at the hostel I played nurse and wrapped her arm and gave instructions to take care of herself! I don't know if it was worth it but she got record time at 87km/hr. Looking back at all the people who made top speed I think I was the only one who came out without a scratch!!! I would call that major LUCK!
The next day we relaxed at Las Penitas beach just 20km west of Leon on the Pacific ocean. We played in the massive waves, walked the long long beaches with Pelicans flying overhead and just relaxed reading our books!

Now off on our 14 hour Tica bus journey to Honduras- the bay islands!

1 comment:

Lori Goodwin said...

woohoo!! you lava board the way i started skiiing...out of control :)) Did you have the big shake when you came to a full stop? :)

well my little thrill seeker, you certainly do find the coolest stuff, and you continue to keep yourself wish is you will always find yourself safe and unscathed in your adventures! your journaling (blog) of your experiences is wonderful.

many of your photos remind me of the bvi...lovely!

live, love, laugh mom xoxo