Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bay Islands - Honduras

So by now we've made it to the Bay islands in Honduras. There is spectacular diving and snorkeling which draws visitors from around the world. There are three Bay islands - Roatan, Guanja and Utila. At the moment the crew (Cherie, Rob and I plus my two really good mates from Australia - Emma & Ben) are on Utila while Dad is on Roatan. The islands are about 50km off the north coast of Honduras and their reefs are part of the second largest barrier reef in the world after Australia's Great Barrier Reef and teem with fish, coral, sponges, rays, sea turtles and even whale sharks if you come at the right time of year.
Utila - it's not hard to imagine Utila was once a slow and welcoming place, a Caribbean hideaway for the British elite - its destinct architecture and charming Main st whisper hints of lazy days gone by. Today, Utila is still a lethargic aquatic Eden, but the introduction of motorcycles and all terrain vehicles have turned what should be a pleasant pedetrainized walkway - Main st into a busyish road. We've been staying at underwater vision passing our days with diving in the morning, tanning, reading, beach volleyball in the arvo and scarfing down some Baleada's and Salva Vida's before being serenaded by guitar and singing on the beach! Dad is currently on Roatan enjoying the luxury of a nice hotel, white sand beaches and amazing diving. We have been trying to join him for the past two days but a strong wind storm started which prevents the ferries and boats from sailing. It's not the worst place to be stuck! We have a great crew, sun is shining, activities and big smiles, the only thing missing in Papa Good!!!
After two days of being stuck on Utila we are able to sail between Utila and Roatan with captain Vern on his catamaran... We all go out the night before to celebrate our last night on the island for tequila Tuesday's at tranquilla bar, take a couple gravol before embarking on the journey at 6am and pass out cold for the 3.5 hours it takes to cross! Dad was waiting on the dock there to greet us as we approached Roatan island.. Big smiles and warm hugs :) we were happy to finally be on the same island!
Roatan - is the largest and best known of the Bay islands. Long and thin (50km in length by 2-4km wide), the island is a real diving and snorkeling Mecca, surrounded by over 100km of living reef. It's beaches are picture-postcard perfect especially stretches along West End and West Bay with clear
turquoise water, colourful tropical fish, powdery white sand and coconut palms. After we settled into the hotel we wandered the West End which curls around two small turquoise bays laced with coconut palms. West End is a busy yet pleasant little community on the west side of the island, this is where a lot of the backpackers and divers come, and the towns one sandy road is packed with restaurants, hotels, and dive shops! We strolled this area and stopped to have a nice breakfast at Earth Mama- where the coffee and fruit are the best yet! Explored the beaches and shops of the west end, had a chill beer by our infinity pool at the hotel we stay at - Cocolobo before an amazing seafood dinner at the Lighthouse where we tried the calamari, lion fish and snapper on mangrove plank! Soooo yummy! We did two beautiful beautiful dives the next morning with a really energetic, friendly group through Coconut Tree Divers... One location called Pablo point and the other Mangrove bight wall. These were two of my favourite dives ever aside from Sipidan in Malaysia of course but the coral was such a vibrant colour and the sealife was so diverse. No turtles but lots of different types of fish, lobsters, and colorful coral & sponges. Just amazing!!!!!! Wish we had time for more dives but I'm happy for the two we got with Dad on the beautiful sunny day with perfect conditions! That evening he took us for another, big seafood dinner and the best mojitos and piƱa coladas we've had yet!
Now the wolfpack is down to three as of this afternoon- Cherie, Rob and I as we fly from Roatan into Guatemala city and then shuttle directly to Antigua for a couple nights!

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