Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tikaaaaalllllllll :)

We made the 4.30am tour out to Tikal which if you dont know already are Mayan ruins that date all the way back to 700BC. Once we entered the gates at 6am we walked the 45mins to climb ruin IV at the north end of the park which is Tikals highest building at 64m high. From the top we observed the towering pyramids poke above the jungles green canopy to catch the sun. Howler and spider monkeys swing noisly through the branches of ancient trees as brightly colored parrots and toucans darted from perch to perch. The most striking feature of Tikal is its steep- sided temples rising to heights more than 61m. Tikal is also different from surrounding counties ruins because it is deep in the jungle, as you pass from ruin to ruin you are covered by the canopy of the forest! We spent 5 hours wondering around the ruins in the beautiful jungle... my favourite was Gran Plaza where if you stood in the middle of Templo I and Templo II and clapped your hands you hear a really unique echo, the sound of the clap bounces off the temples and comes back with a duck like quack...
After an amazing time in Guatemala I was ready to move onto a special place called Belize where an amazing group of friends would be awaiting my arrival :)

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