Thursday, December 22, 2011

Isla de Flores - Guatemala

We did eventually have to move on from Zephyr and Semuc Champey and when we did 25 others checked out with us, most going north to Flores! So we made a big convoy of 16 of us and took on the 8 hour bus ride to Flores. Flores is located on an island in Lago de Peten Itza. Small and colourful hotels and restaurants line the lakeside streets. A 500m causeway connects Flores to the lakeshore town of Santa Elena. We arrived just before dark on a Wednesday just in time for a big festival that involved all the restaurants and houses in Flores to set up tables on all the streets which were closed to cars and sell all authentic Guatemalan food, baking, olives, wine etc etc. people filled the streets every way you looked eating from paper plates, music filled the air while locals danced and fire works lit up the sky with magnificent colours! We ate a pile of food and enjoyed the festival before calling it an early night to wake up at 4am for the tour to Tikal.

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