Sunday, March 25, 2007

This was another good weekend, I say that everytime, but it's true :) I travelled to Phillip Island which is two hours south of Melbourne and on the way the group stopped at a petting zoo and we fed kangaroos and saw almost every other Australian animal. Then made our way to The Nobbies, which are the scenic pictures on the blog. There are normally seals all over the rocks but it was quite rough the day we went so they were all hiding. It was SO beautiful and we managed to get there for sunset! Afterwards we went to a beach on the other side of the island around 7:30pm, just as the sun was going down and we watched the world famous penguin parade. The penguins only come out at night, and everyone sits in bleachers along the beach and watch the penguins come out of nowhere take a swim and then march up the beach back to their homes. It was probably the coolest thing i've ever seen. We weren't allowed to take pictures because the flash disrupts them but I bought a postcard of the act! haha It was a full day, we arrived home around 11pm, so exhauted and set our clocks back for day light savings and got a well needed extra hour sleep! On Sunday I watched my first Cricket game, one of Nicks friends was playing in a National final, and quicked ass, so they all tried to explain the rules to me. It's becoming more clear but I think only Aussie's will only fully understand the game...haha I hung out with my Canadian friends that day, because they leave Monday, but we are hoping to meet up in Noosa (Sunshine Coast), north of Brisbane for the easter break. My friend Erin and I have booked flight for 5 days...We are doing some planning tonight but we hope to canoe the everglades in Noosa, surf on the beaches, visit the Steve Irwin Australian Zoo, hike the Glasshouse mtns and go to Brisbane to visit a friend of mine who I met here! So I hope that all works out, and if I do get a lot of my work done before I go, I might extend the trip and go to Byron Bay for a couple days! There is so much to see and so little time. After easter break is over we have seven weeks of school left. That is extremely scary considering it feels like I arrived a couple weeks ago. time is flying, but I'm trying to make the most of it while I have the chance! I hope you are enjoying the pictures and some of the comments! I hope everyone is doing well, Lots of love

1 comment:

Greg Goodwin said...

Hi Kira, the pictures are awesome, the stories are wonderful and it is terrific that you are enjoying yourself soooooooooooo much. Love you always, Dad