Thursday, August 30, 2007

Full Moon Party 2007

Aug 28
The day of the full moon....the largest beach party in the world....the best fire dancers and every type of music you can imagine! What more can you ask for...
The beach was lined with vendors selling buckets, food, glow painting and more...I knew this was going to be one of the most memorable nights EVER! I was with a great group the aussies and now two more guys from Holland (Rogier, Florian) that we had met camping aswell and we stuck together watching fire dancers while we started drinking, dancing at cactus bar again and then we found a roof top where we danced while watching 10,000 people swarming the beach. We met some British guys on the roof top that had lots of glow in the dark paint so they added more to us so we were absolutely covered! I will hopefully post some pictures soon of the trip.

Our night started to wind down around 5am and we just chilled on the beach for the next while!! We arrived back at our bungalow around 8:30am and I found a nice comfy hammock and passed out for a couple of hours! Now it was just the recovery day ahead where nothing needed to be done :)
Just beach and relaxation!

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