Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Land of Thai!

I've finally made it to Thailand where I was supposed to have been two months ago but decided to spend time with my love in Australia :)
I have arrived safe and sound after a 15 hour trip from Melb. It was extremely hard saying goobye to Nick and his family, I had one last dinner with them the night before I left and then it was the count down until I left :( It was hard thinking about going to Thailand when I was leaving a life I had become so attached to over the past 7 months! I know it's not the end for me...Australia is a second home! :)

I arrived in Bangkok around 8:30 pm Aug 21 with everything going perfectly. Until I jumped in the cab. He took me to the general area of where my hostel was but couldn't find it and then ended up charging me extra since we drove around longer than he wanted to look for it...he only took $18.00 and I was in the cabin for a good hour and ahalf...haha things are extremely cheap here it's hard not to buy everything you see!
I was expecting this place to be very similar to Egypt but already I see many differences...the country is a lot cleaner, the people don't beg as much and the men don't stare or whistle (as much) YES!!!! hah
I dropped everything at my hostel Sawasdee Bongkok Inn and went shopping along Koh San Rd which is a major tourist and market district. I bought some food from a Vendor and sat on the side of the street eating and watching the people go bye. I bought some souvenirs already which I've been waiting so long to buy, cotton pants ($3.00) and a Thail bag ($3.00)..so glad I waited until I was here to buy them.
Today I'm going to try and book the night train down to the province Krabi and stay on Ko Phi Phi island. I know some people down there that I went to highschool with in Nanaimo (Andy Hatfield) so hopefully we can meet up.
I'll be in touch!! LOVE

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